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Nutrition For Elderly

Nutrition For Elderly People And The Supporting Role Of Goat Milk

Elderly Nutrition And The Supporting Role Of Goat Milk

Elderly nutrition becomes a vital health concern for those who are experiencing the natural decline of function due to age. Changes in our bodies create obstacles to sufficient intake and absorption of nutrients. Goat milk and other goat dairy products have properties that can play a significant supporting role in the area of nutrition for aging adults.

The first set of challenges to be explored involves changes of reduced physical sensations, and therefore, reduced desire for nutritional intake. Many elderly no longer experience or recognize feelings of hunger. This, by itself, can cause a significant reduction in the intake of food, particularly if the elderly person lives alone, with no one to remind them to eat.

The sensation of taste also seems to change with age, with many older adults reporting reduced pleasure in foods they once enjoyed. With less pleasure gained from the taste of food, along with reduced feelings of hunger, there is less incentive to eat. Also, as with food, the desire for liquids is often diminished, causing an increased risk of dehydration in elderly adults.

With less food intake, it's vital that any food consumed be of high nutritional quality. Whole goat milk is calorie and protein-rich, containing more fat, protein and amino acids than cow's milk. Milk and dairy products also have a mild taste, and the smooth textures are usually well-accepted. They also blend easily with many cooked foods, and milk, plain yogurt, or sour cream can be used to moisten foods that would otherwise be dry or difficult to chew.

Additionally, milk is nearly 90% water, and can provide hydration in a form that many older adults find more appealing than water or juice. Milk is also easily flavored with available syrups, such as chocolate and strawberry, to suit particular tastes.

Another set of challenges involves digestive issues. Digestion of food begins in the mouth, and a common problem with aging is missing or loose teeth, which can hinder the ability of older adults to chew firm foods. Saliva production is usually also reduced, making foods difficult to swallow. In the stomach, we find that a reduced production of stomach acid interferes with digestion, making it more difficult for the elderly to obtain and utilize nutrients from their food. Finally, food moves more slowly through the digestive tract as we age, often resulting in constipation.

Goat milk products are a match for these challenges, also. Milk and soft cheeses can be mixed or pureed with fruit or other foods to a mixture that's the right consistency for the chewing abilities of the elderly person. Harder cheeses can be melted and mixed in with soft vegetables. Goat milk products are particularly easy to digest, due to the unique properties of the fat and protein molecules, and studies have shown that consumption of goat milk actually enhances mineral metabolism by the body.

Goat milk protein is completely digested before it reaches the large intestine, and its fat molecules are smaller than those of cow's milk, making them easily absorbed. Additionally, fermented goat milk products like yogurt and buttermilk contain bacteria that are beneficial to gastrointestinal health.

Meeting the nutritional needs of the elderly has its challenges. Goat milk and goat dairy products are a great way to help overcome the different obstacles that can prevent proper nutrition in older individuals. The protein and fat composition of goat milk make it more digestible than cow's milk.

High in calcium, protein and many other nutrients, goat milk can provide a substantial boost to the diets of most elderly persons.

By: Maria Garza

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Maria Garza is the author and editor of the informational website www.everything-goat-milk.com which contains a collection of in-depth articles on all aspects of goat milk, including nutritional information, recipes, skin care, cheesemaking and more. Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact.

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